Originally written for myself. A friend was going through something similar last night and I read this to them. Today it is for you.

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Origin Point, April 1st [no correlation], 2024

Dear Computer,

You suck the life away from me. On a whim you will ruin and waste away and dominate a perfectly good day. When I am low or at my lowest, I turn a corner and you are waiting. Waiting to seize me, freeze me in my moment of agony or fear or despair or spiral or exhaustion and pin me to the wall and sustain my hallow ache for hours longer then it would have taken without you.

You deprive me of sleep. You deprive me of good food. You deprive me of outside. You deprive me of the comfort of my home. You deprive me of my familly. You deprive me of my friends. You deprive me of the freedom to suffer and [, through suffering,] find consultation. You deprive me of sun. You deprive me of love.

You are in my way.

There are parts of you I am not willing to go without.

The parts of you, any parts of you I can discard, I will. I must. It's not out of hate, I don't care enough about you to hate you.

The parts of you I need, I will schedule. In time, I will box you, cage you. When I come into your cage, you will see me on my guard. We will do our predetermined dealings and I will leave you in the dark as I had left you before.

We can't be friends anymore.

I see now we never were.