all the world's a stage and all the internet's a

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Dear Reader!

Welcome to my little corner of the internet, painstakingly carved out through a heady combination of hastily skimmed HTML tutorials + energy squeezed fresh from a recent Chico Hamilton infatuation.

Welcome to… Blind! Knife! Party!

Who am I? Well… I guess someone who knows me might call me… unsure about exactly much info I should share here. I could also be introduced as someone who wants to start a writing practice. What else… When I go on and listen to drum n bass I feel so cyberpunk you wouldn’t believe (30 wpm as of march!). As my perceived digital prowess grows, I’m working twords making a habit out of dreamnailing the internet utopian’s corpse.

TLDR joe schmoe wants Digi-Diary. And looking just down the road, there are some other birds it'd be nice to pinball off of with this website-shaped rock:

  1. Link Directory, cause goodness knows my bookmarks bar is about to crumble. I mean, 90% of my bookmarks are piled into a folder I created for a college project, 3 folders deep, no shallower.
  2. A quiet, shady spot to slowly poop out mp3s of my music.
  3. I’m really curious to know how it feels to use the internet, instead of the internet using me. Will try to report back on this later.
  4. I want strangers to email me. Yeah, you! HMU dude.

you got people rooting for you. <3

-🙈🔪🎉 mngt

PS: I'll make a "credits" section later, but right here, right now I should bow to Pat from for the excellent text to ascii art generator that i will continue to use profusely, and currently makes up at least 90% percent of my current Style Points.
Thank you to the nameless hordes of ascii fort smiths, and thank you Pat for making their hard work acsessable.


-Posted Weblog "Dear Computer"

-Phone Specific CSS for the Homepage!
-Posted Weblog "The First Day"
-Worked on Weblog CSS

-Started Changelog!
-Homepage css is finally.. servicable